Welcome to the ventureBiTS journey!

As part of an Advanced Seminar in Entrepreneurial Strategies and Finance, 21 students from BiTS in Iserlohn, Germany have journeyed to Chicago. They will spend the month of July, 2014 exploring the city and their own entrepreneurial capacity. In this blog, they will reflect on what they are learning and experiencing during their time here.

Sunday, July 13, 2014

discovering myself

Did you learn something new about yourself that you didn’t know before?

The personal business model exercises cover different aspects of the personality. One the one hand I wrote about who I am, what I do, who I help and who helps me. On the other hand I was forced to think about how I interact, how I help and how they know me. These aspects were summed up in costs and benefits of the interacting. The first and the third part were quit easy to fill out. But the second part gave me some difficulties. That is a result of my personality. I have difficulties to see the value I can create and how I can sell this value. The new thing I learned is a way how to deal with it and to fill out the second part. The solution is to perceive successes and to celebrate them. I have to avoid the thought that I could achieve more to be happy with my present life and increase self-confidence to a sound level.
The second thing I learned today is the effect of writing aspects down. It is easy to say e.g. one strength. You can explain it and describe it in different ways. You don’t have to come to a point. But if you have to write it down you have to find the right words and a short way of saying to. It forced me to focus on the strength and to think more about it to put it in concrete terms.

Was there something that you always felt was true about yourself but canvas proved it to you?

The personal business model Canvas proved my feeling that I am an analytical and logical person. I love doing analyses and calculations of data. This is what I want to do in the future. But nevertheless I like to be a teacher and mentor also I am not that communicative and emotional. The model proved to me that I have to sides as personality. I like to work on my own, support the management and find lack or conclusions out of data. Besides that, I love to explain complicated topics to other students, help them understanding it and make them to like that topic.

Did you identify any changes you want to make to yourself or a new path that you want to take?

Through writing down my personality in the different aspects I proved to me want I knew before but also found new things about me. Although I proved things about me that I knew before I didn’t consider some parts in the plans for the future. I want to chance that. It doesn’t make sense to disregard things I know about me and which make me fun. From the start of my study I knew I want to work with numbers which I can analyze and calculate. During my study I noticed that I have really fun being a tutor for mathematics and finance. I want to change my way and find a job where I can do both, working on my own and have time with colleagues or students I can help and explain complicated topics.
Furthermore, I want to work on my now known parts of personality. As I described before, I cannot celebrate my victories and successes. I definitely have to change that. It will help me seeing me as a person more valuable. With more self-confidence I can achieve higher aims I have nether dreamed of before because I’m less afraid to not meet the expectations of me and other persons. This freedom allows me to try new tasks and learn more about it because I can see also the positive parts of the task and my achievement.

Find one business leader that you feel is most like you and give a brief narrative on the person and why you are similar.

I found two business leader that have similarities with me. Janet Yellen, Chair of the Federal Reserve, and Christine Lagarde, Managing director of the International Monetary Fund, are both women in leading positions (janet-yellen christine-lagarde). They work in an environment which is dominated by their male colleagues and they have to fight against them and their prejudices every day. They don’t have to good as them, they have to better them to survive the competition and to be recognized as equals with experience. Also, both work in an area in which numbers and analyses play an important role.

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