Welcome to the ventureBiTS journey!

As part of an Advanced Seminar in Entrepreneurial Strategies and Finance, 21 students from BiTS in Iserlohn, Germany have journeyed to Chicago. They will spend the month of July, 2014 exploring the city and their own entrepreneurial capacity. In this blog, they will reflect on what they are learning and experiencing during their time here.

Friday, July 25, 2014

Reflective Blog - Frederik Amelung

Reflective Blog - Frederik Amelung

·      What did you learn about yourself through the personal business model exercise today?

·      Did you learn something new about yourself that you didn’t know before?

I can say about myself that I was pretty much dominated by materialistic things during my childhood. Based on this I thought it is important to earn as much as possible. But I learned that a job can be much more profitable if one act with the necessary passion. If not one is forced to go to work every day and can’t reach this a person with the necessary passion can do. This shows me that it is the best to connect a hobby or passion to the job. I also recognized that I have a little creative vein. Before I thought I am an uncreative human. But during several tasks in which creativity and thinking out of the box were asked I noticed I am creative.

·      Was there something that you always felt was true about yourself but the canvas exercise proved it to you?

For example I am a communicative person. I do know this, because I already did an internship in the sector of direct sales. But in the course of the canvas exercise I noticed that it is really true and have to have a job in which I can communicate with other people e.g. in teams during projects or with costumers.

·      Did you identify any changes you want to make to yourself or a new path that you want to take?

As I already mentioned in part one I was strictly focused to earn lots of money in my prospective job. But I realized that I want to connect my passion to the automotive sector to earn money (For example the product or category management). So money changed from primary to secondary focus.

·      Find one business leader that you feel is most like you and give a brief narrative on the person and why you are similar. Don’t forget to cite your sources.

The business leader I chose is Howard Schultz – the founder, owner and CEO of Starbucks. Originally he got a football fellowship after High school for the Northern Michigan University. Based on the fact that his football skills are not as good as required he lost the fellowship and started to study Communication, Marketing and Rhetoric. First he worked at Xerox as a Salesperson, but one day he the stepped in the Sales of Hammarplast, which is a producer and seller of coffee brewers. He detected that one product – a luxury coffee brewer is sold much more than the others and chose to open his own coffee shop with focus on quality.

In his story you can see that every person, whatever he or she thinks is going to do in the following life, will get one chance to develop a huge business. I am interested in cars, but it can be that I have a passion to something that I don’t know yet. Besides when you have one vision to reach something everyone can reach everything. What makes me similar to him is that he is a “Maker” as I am. On the other hand I have the necessary courage to create something when I really want to do it and work hard for it as he does. When I get a chance like him I will use it.

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