Welcome to the ventureBiTS journey!

As part of an Advanced Seminar in Entrepreneurial Strategies and Finance, 21 students from BiTS in Iserlohn, Germany have journeyed to Chicago. They will spend the month of July, 2014 exploring the city and their own entrepreneurial capacity. In this blog, they will reflect on what they are learning and experiencing during their time here.

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Reflective thinking and writing #2 – me, myself and Matt Maday

Reflective thinking and writing – me, myself and Matt Maday

During my summer seminar at Kendall College I met a lot of entrepreneurs. One entrepreneur who impressed me most is Matt Maday. I get in touch with Matt Maday at the entrepreneurship event on July 16, 2014 at Kendall College. Matt Maday is CEO and CO-Founder of the digital agency, Oncall Interactive. I was surprised about the clients his company has. Here it is worth mentioning the clients: McDonalds, Chicago Tribune, Nike, Microsoft, hp, TAG Heuer, Harley-Davidson and Toyota.[1] Matt Maday invented a patent-pending sweepstakes deployment and analytics platform and BRANDflex, a first-of-its-kind brand management platform to support the companies mentioned above. These aspects show already the ability of strategically thinking, invention and power of volition to me. The Oncall value statement underlines the innovative way of thinking of Matt Maday:

Stand out, celebrate original ideas and experiences
which impact the world around us.[2]

I am of the opinion that the participative leadership style matches Matt Maday best. On the one side he offers guidance to his group members, but on the other side he also allows insights from other members. This describes the behaviour of Matt Maday. He is anxious to be effective, critical and efficient. The participative leadership style is the most effective one and I am sure that he knows that fact. He as CEO, appreciates the input of his employees, but it is important for him to have the final say.

To arrange Matt Maday in the six different styles of leadership from Daniel Goleman it is inalienable to know that Matt Maday connects the characteristics visionary thinking, innovation, team work and individual thinking. Because of this, it is difficult to put him into one category of leadership styles. Nevertheless I think the visionary leadership style fits Matt Maday best. His whole life Matt Maday pursuits one vision. His aim is to launch his own business and have responsibility for people. He dreams big and thinks big. He wants to develop something that improves the life of businesses.

Exactly with this point Matt Maday impresses me. I love to follow a combination of innovative and visional leadership. My aim is to launch my own business and create value for others. In my opinion the best way to achieve this is with team work. On the one hand I like to act energetically and motivate others, but on the other hand I like to combine this with some rules and expects others should observe. All in all, I want to attain from Matt Maday the humbleness he transmits to others. Matt Maday achieved many things through building up Oncall Interactive with innovative ideas. These are reasons why Matt Maday impressed and inspired me.

A good leader should have wide knowledge compared to his staff. Without that a leader cannot be accepted. There are certain other qualities that make a good leader. The first thing for me is honesty. Honest and ethical behaviour must be a key value. If you implement this, your team will follow suit. A good leader has to communicate in a clear and directive way. He should also has a sense of humour, be confidential and creative. Another key element a good leader should contain is the ability to inspire.[3]

Matt Maday did not change the type of leader I inspire to be, but he adds more aspects I would like to think about more. His ability of motivation and willingness to lunch his own business give new input and also some kind of motivation to reach my own business to me. To sum up, the meeting with a person like Matt Maday helped me in reinforcing the type of leader I want to be in my further life.

[1] http://www.oncallinteractive.com/clients/
[2] http://www.oncallinteractive.com/culture/
[3] http://www.forbes.com/sites/tanyaprive/2012/12/19/top-10-qualities-that-make-a-great-leader/
Video Matt Maday: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JO2Wu5iRqCM
Video Forbes Tips Leaders under 30: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LY6K4VaaXEw


  1. Thomas, an impressive summary. I think you said it best when you pointed out that studying other leaders is more about validating our own direction than to change it. Keep being inspired by leaders in your life.
