Welcome to the ventureBiTS journey!

As part of an Advanced Seminar in Entrepreneurial Strategies and Finance, 21 students from BiTS in Iserlohn, Germany have journeyed to Chicago. They will spend the month of July, 2014 exploring the city and their own entrepreneurial capacity. In this blog, they will reflect on what they are learning and experiencing during their time here.

Friday, July 11, 2014

Reflective Blog: Me, myself and I

Through the personal business model exercise that we have done in class, I have learned to analyze myself. The exercise helped me to reflect me, my behavior, my environment and the persons around me. The business model should offer an interactive way to look at the current business model (in this case, it is me) and improve the results. I believe it's a way to keep moving forward.
Did you learn something new about yourself that you did not know before? Was there something that you always felt was true about yourself but the canvas exercise proved it to you?
Actually I did not learn something new about myself. But I think that the journey is the reward: When I think intensively about who helps me, how someone helps me, who I help and how I help, it becomes clearer to me.
I knew the answers before but they had not been that visible as they have been after writing them down and sorting them. Of course I always knew that my parents and friends are the most supporting and important persons in my life but the business model exercises highlighted the deeper interactions between me and my environment.
Also I get input from other people. How they think about me. That was a difficult part because we do not know each other that much and could just be superficial when talking about attributes and characteristic of the others.
Did you identify any changes you want to make to yourself or a new path that you want to take?
I guess that the exercise should not change my mind but let me think in a different way about myself. It illuminates other corners that have been dark before. I never thought about my key activities, key resources or channels in a detailed or narrowed way. But I guess it is important to remember what I get and what I give in life and be aware of my strengths and weaknesses.
I would like to improve and develop myself in a certain way and I believe that the business model canvas can help me.
Find one business leader that you feel is most like you and give a brief narrative on the person and why you are similar.
A business person that has some of my attitudes is maybe Indra Nooyi, one of Forbes 100 „Most Powerful Women“, who led PepsiCo to record financial results and move the business in a healthier direction. As some magazines wrote she is deeply caring and committed as a senior executive. She is a “fun-loving executive” (http://www.forbes.com) as well—she played lead guitar for an all-woman rock band in college, loved to play cricket, and is known to sing karaoke. She combines the serious leader of a business and the humorous women that has fun at work.

I hope that I will act this way in the future. For me it is important to be happy with what I am doing as well as successful.

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