Welcome to the ventureBiTS journey!

As part of an Advanced Seminar in Entrepreneurial Strategies and Finance, 21 students from BiTS in Iserlohn, Germany have journeyed to Chicago. They will spend the month of July, 2014 exploring the city and their own entrepreneurial capacity. In this blog, they will reflect on what they are learning and experiencing during their time here.

Monday, July 28, 2014

Reflective Blog 2: Jolanta Hardej - Frederik Amelung

Jolanta Hardej – CEO of Farmed here

FarmedHere's CEO and Co-Owner Jolanta Hardej runs the worldwide largest indoor vertical farm located in Chicago. Founded in 2011 all of the farming is done inside a 90,000 square foot formerly abandoned warehouse. Because the plants are stacked on top of each other, there is actually 140,000 square feet of farming space. FarmedHere currently grows various types of basil, salad greens and arugula, but has plans to experiment with other vegetables and fruits e.g. strawberries in the future.
Jolanta Hardej uses the Authoritarian Leadership Style to manage her company.
Based on this management style she always acts with a specific goal in mind.
In course of her presentation about FarmedHere she said that she often had to hear only negative criticism during searching for investors.
But she was still focused on her idea and has not been influenced by other negative opinions This positive attitude constitutes this style of leadership.
Jolanta Hardej and three co-founders formed the management of the company.
But the majority of the employees are former prisoners who have  difficulties to get integrated into the normal economic world. As Coporate Social Corporate Responsibility is given a high priority in her company, Jolanta Hardej wanted to accept responsibility and recruit former criminals instead of leaving them alone in the in the job market.
In this context,it was important to adjust the management and communication style: it was decisive delegating work to the employees by using plain words and work processes. On the other hand, more autocratic forms of leadership are requiredwhen ths staff is inexperienced with the type of work and heavy oversight is necessary.

http://www.ercsjsu.org/uploads/1/8/7/8/18784748/2944375.png?400It is difficult balancing the use of authority with the morale of the team. Too much direct control will make your subordinates feel depressed, and being too heavy handed will treat out all group input. Being an effective autocratic leader means being very conscious about when and how demands are given to the team. Mrs. Hardej keeps authority with the morale of the team in a healthy balance and this  makes her a great leader. She absolutely found her way to lead FarmedHere and how to behave in front of her employees, while representingthe management level.

If I would like to live up of some of the ambitions of Jolanta Hardej, I  would take her unique  ambition to perform and implement as an example. She worked her entire life in the financial sector e.g. as Broker.
As she lost everything during the financial crisis 2007/08 she started with nothing and built up a multimillion Dollar enterprise in only 4 years. Indoor farming is not a firsthand idea, however the realization in contrast to many other competitors was implemented successfully with lots of innovations. Her behavior really inspired me and shows that if you have one vision and you are stronger and more determinedto deliver on it, there is a high probability of success.
In addition,  one has to give her a creditfor being so socially responsible.

Finally, even though Jolanta Hardej has been very succesful, her motivation seems to be on the highest level ever and does not subside. She wants to “grow” with her business concept and she does not give the impression that she keeps standing still.

All in all one can say she and her Co-Founders do a great job with an innovative business concept in a highly competitive sector.


FarmedHere Grand Opening: The World's Largest Aquaponics System

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