Welcome to the ventureBiTS journey!

As part of an Advanced Seminar in Entrepreneurial Strategies and Finance, 21 students from BiTS in Iserlohn, Germany have journeyed to Chicago. They will spend the month of July, 2014 exploring the city and their own entrepreneurial capacity. In this blog, they will reflect on what they are learning and experiencing during their time here.

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Personal Reflective Blog 2

Personal Reflective Blog 2

Kevin Krahmer Summer School Chicago 2014 at Kendall College

Assignment for today: Pick and describe an entrepreneur or business owner which I have met during my visit here in Chicago


It is very difficult to choose only one business owner, because I have met many interesting people out of entirely different corporate divisions. I had so many exciting conservations that I hardly can choose one, but if I have to I would pick Matt Maday. His correctly name is Matthew Maday and I met him on the panel which was organized by the Kendall College on Wednesday evening last week. Matt is a very motivating person. When I saw and hear him on the panel I thought this guy is very unenthusiastic and bored. But his curriculum vita is impressively for a young man like him. Matt is CEO and Co-Founder of a company called “OnCall Interactive”. He is also an author, educator and originator of many different business platforms which are used for instance by Hewlett Packard.

I already mentioned that my first impression was not quite positive. But Matthew is honestly accustomed with a few diverse leadership skills and a high range of soft skills. I am pretty sure he knows how to use his leadership abilities in the daily business. When I spoke to him I am pretty sure I could recognize the following leadership skills in his behavior: I made the experience that his professional understanding and expertise is incredible. He highly identifies himself with the organization he worked for and it`s maybe just topped of his own initiative. He is not afraid of leading people or a team and motivates them all day long. In addition to that I have to emphasize his Know-how, his creativity and his decision-making ability. For me Matt is a motivating, enthusiastic leader. He isn´t and don’t have to be authoritarian because he owns this mentioned leadership skills.

 I would love and aspire to own this kind of expertise. At the moment this is my biggest fault because right now I am just a student who made some internships. But these are incomparable to Matts expertise. For the future I try my very best to be a little more own initiative as I currently am. Hopefully I can reach such a similar high grade of decision-making ability in the future like Matt has. Of course it was impressionable for me to speak with a business man like Matt is. I was flashed by his talent to do the right things on the right time on the right place with the right people. And he does these things not only one time, he did it several times and was always very successful. That’s a big talent in my opinion. Matt inspired me that everything is possible if I really work hard. Beside of this hard work you have to be very very passionate with the work and your business idea. Without passion you can work as hard as you like but you won’t achieve your goals. The key of success is passion that was a real inspiration for me in the discussion with Matt.   

A great leader distinguishes itself thru (soft) skills, passion and motivation. All this contributes a person to be successful and to run a business. This are the terms of a real entrepreneur. If I become a entrepreneur I´d like to be a motivator and like Matt. I would love to participate the employs on the decision making process. Because you just win if you listen to people and catch their ideas and implant them in the developing process. I don’t want to be an authority leader who don’t take care of others ideas.




1 comment:

  1. Kevin, don't downplay internships because everyone, even great leaders, had to start somewhere. Make the most of every opportunity - that's what good leaders do!
