Welcome to the ventureBiTS journey!

As part of an Advanced Seminar in Entrepreneurial Strategies and Finance, 21 students from BiTS in Iserlohn, Germany have journeyed to Chicago. They will spend the month of July, 2014 exploring the city and their own entrepreneurial capacity. In this blog, they will reflect on what they are learning and experiencing during their time here.

Monday, July 14, 2014

My reflective Blog.

Reflective Blog Business Model Canvas



What I´ve learned today while doing the business model canvas exercise is that doing business is a very individual and personal matter. Every entrepreneur has to take a closer look to his or her personality to find out the right way for making money. There is always a way to turn your hobby into your business and make money while doing things you love and where you have an emotional connection to. But there is no recipe for a successful business.

I often crab but the „wheel-exercise” showed me something else. I am fulfilled in many areas in my life. So up to this point, it is time to be more satisfied and grateful about health, love, family and secure living standard even if the money is missing as a student. But this will hopefully change within the next years.

While doing business model canvas I have learned that I got an artistic personality tendency. Before doing business model canvas I already knew that I am very communicative person, who loves to be surrounded by friends and family. Moreover business model canvas helped me to focus on things and key resources that I have and which I can also use for doing business. Especially self-reflection is one aspect I have missed before in my entire student- life, because it is always about creating generalized concepts. Now, business model canvas gave me the opportunity to think about myself and get active. In University we only learn and think about themes we have to, but business model canvas shows me that the key for success is positioned in my hand and I have to stand up and fight for my goals and the targets I set to myself.

The German entrepreneur of 2003, named Torsten Töller, is that person who inspires me and in some aspects I am similar to him. In 1990 he founded at age 24 his first professional market called ”Fressnapf” for pet food and supplies in Germany. Inspired by the American and Canadian pet market “Petsmart”, he developed his own ideas for Germany. He met a niche of the market with it. Today Fressnapf is the third-largest pet supply market in the world and is organized as a franchise-concept. In the first years of doing his business he failed. No one supported him and his idea of entering the German market with selling pet-products.[1] He never gave up and sold everything he had for realizing his idea and in the end he reached his goal and now Fressnapf runs more than 1200 stores in the EU.[2] He is still down to earth and accomplish to motivate his employees. He allows to bring your pet with in the office and he tries to make your working place a place where you feel comfortable. I love that way of working and motivating people.

The story of Torsten Töller shows, what in addition to talent counts, in an industry to have success is: a tough will and an emotional connection. „Make happy, what makes you happy“ is the statement of his business. And I totally agree with that.

[1] http://www.zeit.de/2002/21/Hoffnungslos_tierverliebt/seite-2
[2] Fressnapf Homepage

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