Welcome to the ventureBiTS journey!

As part of an Advanced Seminar in Entrepreneurial Strategies and Finance, 21 students from BiTS in Iserlohn, Germany have journeyed to Chicago. They will spend the month of July, 2014 exploring the city and their own entrepreneurial capacity. In this blog, they will reflect on what they are learning and experiencing during their time here.

Sunday, July 13, 2014

Find myself!!

First of all it is to say that the “Personal Business Model Canvas” enabled me to get a new picture about myself and leads to a new self-awareness about the different attitudes and factors influencing my business decisions and actions.
For example I wasn’t aware that I have a lot of different key partners as well as key resources which I can use to obtain my goals. Especially my family as well as close friends were often be unnoticed in my considerations. Indeed there are probably the most reliable and loyal support for any business and personnel needs. According to these key partners this exercise clarified my key resources like charisma and assertiveness.

Another point I wasn’t aware of before completing the “Personal Business Model Canvas” was the value I am able to provide and the way I can help other people and organizations. Even as a current graduate student we all have knowledge as well as first professional experience which are worth mentioning. This exercise helped me to be more self-confident about my skills and showed me that I am able to use them in business life. To underline my statements I would like to refer the costs as well as to the revenues and benefits. I am willing to scarify my time and energy to get things done (costs) and I will gain some new theoretical input and respect from the people I support as a reward.
In terms of possible new paths and new ways of using my given skills I would probably undertake some several adjustments. Firstly I would be more confident in myself to be able to use my personal skills like my charisma and my assertiveness mentioned before to obtain my business goals. Secondly I would diversify my behavior in terms of customer relationship to be able to varies different types of interactions. Especially in the field of social media like Twitter and LinkedIn I am now aware that I have to catch up to others to avoid possible disadvantages in my business life.
To find a business leader who is most like me I would refer to the former CEO of Microsoft Steve Ballmer. For more than 14 years he was in charge of Mircosofts destiny  and liable for in the end all made decisions from January 2000 till February 2014. As CEO he managed the companies finances as well as all daily operations. This matches perfectly with my business studies and is exactly was I wanted to do in my ongoing business life (even if I know it will be probably a company not as big as Microsoft). Furthermore Steve Ballmer is very popular and well known for his motivational character and leadership style around the world. His breathtaking speeches at Microsoft events is so energetic and thrilling that I highly recommend to watch some of his stage appearances on the Internet e.g. on Youtube. As mentioned before I am convinced that my personal communication skills are quite like the skills of Steve Ballmer and I am able to motivate and to thrill people in business environments.

  1. Microsoft.com (March 1, 2008) „Steve Ballmer: Chief Executive Officer“. Microsoft. March 1, 2005.
  2. Farber, Dan. (August 26, 2013) „Bill Gates, Steve Ballmer and the parting oft he ways“. CNET News. Retrieved September 4, 2013.
  3. Gavin Clarke (2009). „Ballmer garnishes Bing 2.0 with iPhone stomp: Return oft he Kool-Aid kid“. The Register. Retrieved April 23, 2010. 

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