Welcome to the ventureBiTS journey!

As part of an Advanced Seminar in Entrepreneurial Strategies and Finance, 21 students from BiTS in Iserlohn, Germany have journeyed to Chicago. They will spend the month of July, 2014 exploring the city and their own entrepreneurial capacity. In this blog, they will reflect on what they are learning and experiencing during their time here.

Friday, July 11, 2014

I did it my way

Patrick Zuhl reflective Blog post --one-- July 09 2014

What did I learn about myself during working with the“Business Model You” and some exercises?

I was learning how to write down and collect all important information I need to have to be able to find a good business model for me and additional a model which fits my strengths and maybe my weaknesses too. The Exercises in the“Business Model You helped me to find my personal key partners and which activities I prefer to do. 

Furthermore I had to write down who am I and which personal resources I have to offer to my own business and my future customers. Another helpful advice which the exercise offers me was to write down how I can help and which kind of value I am able to provide to friends and future customers.

In the one hand I don’t really learn something new about me by working with some new exercises because I already did something similar in Germany in the sixth Semester of my Bachelor program.  I had a subject called “Strategic Venture Creation”within this subject my task was to analyze myself and find my personal strengths and weaknesses and to create a new business model by following them. 

Normally I am a person who really knows his strengths and weaknesses very well, in case of that it wasn’t hard to write down a lot of different personal abilities.

In the other hand the “Business Model You” was able to offer me some additional perspectives I don’t imagine before. The exercises and especially the “Empathy map and the                                         “Business Model Canvas were able to connect several perspectives for example my key partners were connected to my key activities and the value I am able to provide. 

These exercises were very helpful to go deeper into my Character and the structure of my personality. This is a new and additional focus I can add to other experiences I had before and could make it easier to define my personality and special abilities I have.

At the end I will hope that the rest of the “Business ModelYou” is going to offer much more exercises which are connecting different aspects of my personality with aspects of being an entrepreneur.

Furthermore I expect to learn how my personality can influences my personal business or the choice of my personal businessIn my opinion this could help me because at my first class “Strategic Venture Creation” we were focused on strengths and weaknesses and talk less about personality or how personality is able to influences decision you made during you create a new business.

Business role model:

I don’t really have a “real” role model. In my opinion I try to combine my own personality and ideas with abilities and ideas of other people I know.  This people can be role models and friends and my parents etc.

I think everybody has to find an own way of success and an own personality to be happy. It doesn’t make any sense to be like a “special” person because normally we don’t know enough about an unfamiliar person.

A personal target could be to have the same kind of success like Steve Jobs but with my own strategy, personality, character and ideas.





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