Welcome to the ventureBiTS journey!

As part of an Advanced Seminar in Entrepreneurial Strategies and Finance, 21 students from BiTS in Iserlohn, Germany have journeyed to Chicago. They will spend the month of July, 2014 exploring the city and their own entrepreneurial capacity. In this blog, they will reflect on what they are learning and experiencing during their time here.

Friday, July 11, 2014

I, it and ueberich

I am a numbers guy and that is something that I've always known to be true. Emotional reflection or even thoughts about me often turned in to nothing more than a few suggestions to me about which mistakes I made again and how to correct them. Needless to say I was never really eager to change anything which led me to be the person I am today.

Through the canvas I learned two things about me. The first thing I learned was that I always considered myself kind of a lone wolf which is in fact not true. The truth couldn't be further away. I have so many customers from family to debate mates and even my students and they put me right in to the middle of society which is something I always considered to be far fetched.

The other thing I learned is that I do actually provide valuable resources to my surrounding community.
For example: I teach Mathematics, Finance and much more to students who will else have to leave the University. My services helped all of them to avoid that fate although most of them come way too late. Considering taking a new path, I do not think that I should.

After completing the exercises I realized that I like what I am currently doing. I like teaching my students, I like working on projects as a business consultant and I love taking part in debate tournaments and teaching young debaters skills like argumentation and persuasion. My life is full and I wouldn't change that for anything in the world.

But doing the canvas helped me realize that once more and appreciate everything that I have.If there is one thing I would like to change it is my status of employment. I would love to start my own company with a business idea that I have been developing for more than a year by now. However until I am capable of doing so, my job as business consultant is fulfilling as well and will work as a placeholder until I am done with my masters degree.

If there is one leader I feel very close too and admire at the same time it would be Elon Musk. He is one of the inventors of PayPal. Once he sold PayPal to Ebay he didn’t stop pushing innovation but instead invested in 3 other companies.

A Solar panel company called SolarCity, a car producer called Tesla and a company that produces reusable rockets for space exploration called SpaceX. He never stopped when other people told him his ideas would not work but instead used it as a sign that he was moving towards something that others couldn’t even imagine.

SpaceX and Tesla are huge successes. Two months ago SpaceX launched the first rocket successful and is going to have a contract with the NASA to launch more of these. Tesla is selling in the US and worldwide although slide manufacturing problems in the beginning Tesla is doing very well now.
My favorite quote of Elon Musk is “When something is important enough, you do it even if the odds are not in your favor.”

Whenever someone told him that he could not achieve something he tried even harder because he believed in the work he was doing and didn’t care for the opinion of the general public. His projects seemed to be so radical at that time that most people believed them to be a waste of money and resources but Musk proved them wrong.

I have experienced a lot of problems with my convictions, opinions and believes but overall what kept me going was that I had a goal to achieve that I would never reach if I would listen to the general noise around me. Truly believing in his own success is something that nobody else can do for you it is something that you can only do for yourself.


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