Welcome to the ventureBiTS journey!

As part of an Advanced Seminar in Entrepreneurial Strategies and Finance, 21 students from BiTS in Iserlohn, Germany have journeyed to Chicago. They will spend the month of July, 2014 exploring the city and their own entrepreneurial capacity. In this blog, they will reflect on what they are learning and experiencing during their time here.

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Dwight Koop - Inspiring leader in the business world

My reflective blog #2

For my second reflective blog on blogger.com I decided to write about Dwight Koop, COO and Co-founder for CohesiveFT. CohesiveFT watches and helps the cloud market to grow from just a concept to reality. With huge experience in networking, enterprise IT as well as financial services technology CohesiveFT has the expertise to serve their clients.

For my second reflective blog on blogger.com I decided to write about Dwight Koop, COO and Co-founder for CohesiveFT. CohesiveFT watches and helps the cloud market to grow from just a concept to reality. With huge experience in networking, enterprise IT as well as financial services technology CohesiveFT has the expertise to serve their clients. I decided to write my blog about Dwight Koop, because it seems like he gained a lot of experience in the global finance and entrepreneurial market. He was the global head of data center operations and security for Swiss Banks capital markets and O’Connor and Associates. This is quite impressive.
Furthermore he was one of the founders of the Chicago Board Options Exchange as well as an EVP during its early and significant growth years.
Moreover he gained a lot of experience in several Mergers and Acquisitions. During his engagement as a COO of Bedouin, Inc, he was amongst others in charge for the acquisition of Starbase.
As a leader he also worked together with some well known people in their businesses. Just to name a few I would like to refer to Eric Hughes, the noted cryptographer, as well as Bram Cohen as one of the founders of BitTorrent.

Besides all these activities Dwight Koop is a managing member of Leporidae Holdings LLC, what is a private asset management company.

When it comes to the characteristics I see in Dwight Koop and I would like to attain from him the first thing coming into my mind are his natural and honest authority. He gives the audience the feeling that he has a huge knowledge pool and knows exactly what he is talking about. He reached a lot in his business life and with CohesiveFT he is right now building up and establishing a new successful and innovative company. When he is referring about his projects and ideas he did not look like he was bragging about anything of that even for a second. Definitely this is one of the attitudes which are essentiell for an outstanding leader and entrepreneur. 
Dwight Koop also impressed and inspired me by the different kinds of businesses he worked in. He started his career at a Swiss Bank and moved his business to a more technological Start-Up Scene. Regarding to this shift for me it is also a important for a entrepreneur because a good leader needs to have superior and great knowledge compared to his employees working for him. Otherwise a leader wouldn't be accepted in his team and all decisions will always be questioned. 

To sum it up it is to say that Dwight Koop did not change but strengthen my opinion of a leader i inspire to be in my further life. I guess he is comparable to several worldwide known leader as for example Richard Branson. His experiences come from different kinds of industries and they are both successful in known businesses as well as in new segments. In the end meeting a person like Dwight Koop in real life inspired me for my further career and showed me that looking for new opportunities is always an outstanding possibility to realize potential gains in the market. 

Several material from our classes

1 comment:

  1. Thomas, one thing you point out that I agree with is how refreshing it is when very experienced people speak of their expertise in a way that humbling and approachable, rather than bragging. That comes with maturity and confidence - great things to aspire to for all of us.
