Welcome to the ventureBiTS journey!

As part of an Advanced Seminar in Entrepreneurial Strategies and Finance, 21 students from BiTS in Iserlohn, Germany have journeyed to Chicago. They will spend the month of July, 2014 exploring the city and their own entrepreneurial capacity. In this blog, they will reflect on what they are learning and experiencing during their time here.

Sunday, July 13, 2014

Marc's Blog #1

The business model exercise has given to me an interesting overview about my personal acting in business. Now I understand how important it is to give costs like time, material and money to earn revenue and benefits, because the love you take is equal to the love you make. In addition it shows me that I need key partners who help me. Without these people I would not have any chance to be successful in my business, because I am depending on love and money of my family for example.
An interesting point has been to deal with my own strengths. It is a kind on self- reflection I have never done before. Now I am aware that I have strengths in the fields I work, which are different to most of other persons. But I am also confirmed in points like I have customers, in private and also in business, I help. Also the way I help is confirmed to my expectations.
Additional exercises have shown to me that there some changes I want to make in future. In past I was not very focused on my health. When something happened I went to a doctor and he gave me some drugs. But in future I want to pay more attention on my health. So I want to improve my nutrition and don’t make party to hard. The health is basis for my life and success. I only can travel, doing sports have fun with my friends if I am healthy. The career has been important for me too, but in future I don’t want it is on the top in my life. Nevertheless I will never lose focus on my career. Career means three different things for me. First, I want to get a job which makes me happy. Also I would like to have free-time for doing sports, travel and live my life in the way I want to. Thirdly my goal is to earn money that I can create my free- time in the way I explained. A very important point I learned in study and what has been confirmed here in the class, is that money is not everything. I want to have a relatively high standard in my lifestyle, but I would waive a bit of money for a healthy life in which I have free- time for my family, I can do sports but also I can travel a little bit.
I cannot identify with a particular business person, because I really do not know someone. But I admire young entrepreneurs who have courage to start their own business. One man is Hubertus Bessau who is one of the founders of MyMuesli. He had the easy idea to sell individual chosen muesli online and in small stores. In this man you can see how easy it is to grown a successful business by an easy idea, courage and will. MyMuesli has been the first online provider in the world[1].

I am on the search for a similarly good idea and when I have found it, I hope I will have the same courage as Hubertus and his guys too. 

Marc Neul                 

[1] http://www.mymuesli.com/muesli/index.php?vw=info&ec=detail&mnid=13&mnpt=1|39&id=5

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