Welcome to the ventureBiTS journey!

As part of an Advanced Seminar in Entrepreneurial Strategies and Finance, 21 students from BiTS in Iserlohn, Germany have journeyed to Chicago. They will spend the month of July, 2014 exploring the city and their own entrepreneurial capacity. In this blog, they will reflect on what they are learning and experiencing during their time here.

Monday, July 14, 2014

Personal Reflective Blog; Kevin Krahmer Summer School Chicago 2014 at Kendall College


Assignment for today: a personal reflection. What did I learn about myself through the personal business model exercises? See therefore the textbook “Business Model You” pages from 86 up to 146.


First of all it is very interesting to figure out some personal facts. It`s usually an assignment I

do not like so much. To be honest it`s a little bit unattractive to do stuff like that. But once I started to think about this idea, things become more and more interesting. While I was handling the assignment my opionion changed. I recognized through personal and “true” reflection it is possible to learn a lot about my own, partly unknown personality. For things like opinions, minds, behavior and stuff like that the task it`s maybe not suitable very well because I`m already sensitive off those things and I already know my personal behavior.


Today I`m starting my blog with some things I discovered while I was doing this exercise. So, I learned a few new things about myself. I never thought this could be possible, but it`s true. The option (should better called it task) to score and sketching a “wheel of life” was a great idea. I`m sure it is good to see this personal scoring wheel directly banned on paper. This should be a very important fact. At a later date I still can look at this sheet and compare it to a new situation and could see changes. I was really surprised when I saw that “career” compared to the other seven areas is not that important for me than I allways thought.


Model Canvas which I have done in class today was the god same thing we did a hundred times before. Just the package or the form was new. Sorry Melonie that should not sounds to hard. But anyway the special and positive about Canvas is the possibility of a quick overview and Canvas is easy to handle. It could be a perfect task for someone you think about personal development for the first time. If you have done this before (and I have) I think it is better and more successfully to ask close friends about their options, about my personal business model. The canvas is a perfect tool to start to create a business plan. So, to be honest there was nothing new about things I felt but didn`t recognize before it.

I think and I know that I have to change in many different things and ways. This could be my behavior, the motivation for different tasks, personal skills. But I was really really surprised that I figured out some new interesting facts. I saw that I mostly like to work outdoors, to be sportive outdoors or that I usually like to write for myself. This could be in form of writing a diary while I am on vacation. I always know this things are joy for me. Today I was remind on this things and they came closer to the surface again.  

If I have to think about any business leader and say in which ways I am similar to him or her than it’s the truth that I don’t know one personally except to my dad. I just know famous leaders like it was Steve Jobs. But I don’t think I am like one of these, so I can`t compare them with myself.                



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