Welcome to the ventureBiTS journey!

As part of an Advanced Seminar in Entrepreneurial Strategies and Finance, 21 students from BiTS in Iserlohn, Germany have journeyed to Chicago. They will spend the month of July, 2014 exploring the city and their own entrepreneurial capacity. In this blog, they will reflect on what they are learning and experiencing during their time here.

Sunday, July 13, 2014

My Reflective Blog

Reflective Blog:
What did you learn about yourself through the personeal business model exercise today (bring draft ton ext session):
In our first marketing course on wensday i learned many things about how marketing works in America.
Especially the canvas model was completly new for me. I already known the different points/aspects oft he canvas model, but how you can combine or work with the different aspects in that model was totally new for me. For me was very interesting, that the costs (What i give) and the benefits (What others gave me) are building the base. Also that both aspects have the same size, let me think about the sentence ’What you give is what you get’.
In the past i was very often confrontated with thinking about the different aspects oft he canvas model, for example in my study and when i go to a pre pitch for an internship. So in this case i can say i know very much about myself in this aspects. But the construction oft he canvas model showed me that maybe one or two of my points can also fit to another aspect. Because of that the canvas model shows me no new points, but a little different thinking about the points.
The canvas model not directly shows me taking a different way of life or changing how i will work as a employee. But indirectly it shows me that i defenitly want to try working for a time in the US. The whole way of thinking about working in the US especially the way of doing leadership in case oft he canvas model in the US. It is really different to the german way of leading. On the one hand the german leader are very strict and fussy. On the other hand in the US everything is bigger and there are much more options to approach your tasks.
I want to be a very good and favorite manager, but also do not want to stay my whole life after the study at one job. I love the change and the high manager sector. In case of that in my opinion W. James (Jim) McNerney, Jr. is the most similar business leader to me. McNerney studied at Yale University and at Harvard Business School. After that he started the perfect career in my opinion. First he worked as a Brand Manager for Procter & Gamble than he worked four years for McKinsey & Company as a Management Consultant. But that was not enough for him and he started a 18 years long work for different sectors of the concern General Electric. All these jobs had a high reputation, but were not the top position in the firms. In case of that he changed to M3 where he was the chairman/CEO. In the year 2005 he made his last change to the concern Boeing and is still the CEO oft he concern. All these stations in his life are in the top 100 list of concerns in the US, which makes me think this is the perfect career. The biggest similarity to me is the wish to change my job in the future and not stay the rest of my life in one job. The much earning of money is another nice point in his life.


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