Welcome to the ventureBiTS journey!

As part of an Advanced Seminar in Entrepreneurial Strategies and Finance, 21 students from BiTS in Iserlohn, Germany have journeyed to Chicago. They will spend the month of July, 2014 exploring the city and their own entrepreneurial capacity. In this blog, they will reflect on what they are learning and experiencing during their time here.

Sunday, July 13, 2014

the love you take is equal to the love you make

What did I learn about myself throught the personal business model excercises? 
See therefore the textbook „Business Model You“ pages 86 to 146.

The elaboration of the exercises has taught me nothing new about me that I did not know before. However, it has meant that I sat down after a long time with myself apart. This period of self-reflection we often forget in everyday life. Although I have not gained any new insights, it has strengthened me in my self and I made ​​it clear that the way that I have taken is the right one. A reason why I did not earn some new insides of me while doing this task could be that I did it several times before. We have in our masterprogram in Iserlohn an program called leadership assesment integrated. In this leadership assesment we will confronted with different situations from the working life and have to switch in different roles. The aim of this program is to reflect on his own behavior in these roles and to compare this with the feedback of the group participants. I think that this mix of strange feedback and self-assessment a more evidence emerges brings, than fill out a subjective reflection arc.

With the help of canvas task, I realized that there is not a balance between give and take in all areas. Through this knowledge, I will in the future, greater focus on a balance between give and take. An imbalance can lead to major problems and should be avoided. I think the effort to keep in balance ist not very high because each person earned as much time for themselves as you would expect from him. Canvas can in the creation of business plans reveal many gaps and supports the potential founders going to focus on the essential aspects. I think it is a great help for people who want to sort out their thoughts and thereby want not to forget anything.

Relative to the business leader, it is hard for me to limit myself to one person. There are many great personalities that may be mentioned in this context, such as Steve Jobs or Bill Gates. However, I do not think I can compare myself with one of these people or personalities. These people have a clear vision in front of eyes and have pursued them in all circumstances. I myself have no clear vision before my eyes, as I look at my life's work. This is not to say that I have no goals, desires and dreams, but I am a very flexible person who can adapt to situations. I honestly believe that I will only be capable of deciding whether or not my decision was the right one, once I had some intense work experiences. In my opinion every situation can be seen in a positive way, because every personal experience directly influences every other part of life.

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