Welcome to the ventureBiTS journey!

As part of an Advanced Seminar in Entrepreneurial Strategies and Finance, 21 students from BiTS in Iserlohn, Germany have journeyed to Chicago. They will spend the month of July, 2014 exploring the city and their own entrepreneurial capacity. In this blog, they will reflect on what they are learning and experiencing during their time here.

Friday, July 25, 2014

I did it my way²

Patrick Zuhl Blog post --two-- July 25 2014


Basic information’s about Joao Gonzaga

Joao Gonzaga is an entrepreneur with a lot of business experience and leading skills in the mobile industry. For more than ten years, Joao was consulting with major brands, advertising agencies and mobile operators about their mobile strategy.

Within his work for different companies he was focused on the technical and business aspects of integrating mobile solutions into their traditional marketing mixes and product development.

Since ~ 2012 he is working on the development and launch of “Kyntal”. “        

“Kyntal” is a mobile based discovery service, which redefines how users discover places and events close to them based on their personal interests and preferences.

Some of Joao’s specialties are:
Product ideation, software design and development for mobile platforms (focused at cell phone apps at the moment), design and development at all, mobile marketing concepts and development and establishing new mobile technologies.

What kind of leadership skills you saw him display?

Joao is in my opinion a typically younger entrepreneur in the field of IT technology he was confident and knows how to describe his ideas and creating pictures in my mind of different ideas he is going to establish in the future. Especially for the technology of the “Kyntal” app he is working for at the moment.

 Furthermore Joao knows how to fill someone with enthusiasm and to make people curious about his ideas and newest technologies.
What kind of characteristics you observed that you aspire to have too?

In my opinion Joao has the characteristic to be always positive and he is never scared of failing with his company.

Furthermore he always searches for new ideas or problems he is able to solve by using a specific technology.

Did he make an impression to me?

As I have already mentioned before, Joao makes a very positive and self-confident impression to me.

Additional to that I had the impression that Joao knew what he was talking about at any time. He always had a clear image of his aims and the way he has to go until he is reaching his goals. Furthermore he had a clear image of how his technology should help the people which came to an unfamiliar city.

How did he inspire you?

He has inspired me with the fact that it is very important to reach my goals with a long-lasting effect and never to stop before reaching the goals.

Furthermore it is very important the your individual circumstances or the circumstances which belong to your company don’t hinder you to reach a specific goal.

Additional Joao has impressed me in the point that he has already made a lot of different jobs and experiences in his life and owns a very outstanding personality and operates with a lot of pleasure.

How does this connect with the characteristics of a great leader?

In my opinion Joao has many qualities a modern boss should also have.

Furthermore he is some kind of a “combination” between an entrepreneur and a business leader with a modern type of leading a department for example.

Exactly this combination of different abilities can be a method of success.

How did this influence or change the type of leader you have to be?

I don’t really think that the meeting with Joao influences me in which type of leader I am going to be in the future but talking with Joao offers me an additional perspective of how a person can operate.  


presenting Kyntal:


1 comment:

  1. Patrick it's great that you picked up on the point about individual circumstances that get in the way of your dreams and plans. Guess what? That will always happen; it's impossible to avoid. Unless you rid yourself of all family, friends, obligation, debt, and so forth, there will always be some one or some thing that demands your attention. Learning to prioritize and balance will be key.
